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GDMO Digitary Power

Wednesday 14 January 2015

GDMO Digitary Power Full ExplanationHi guys today im gonna explain about Digitary Power. It can easily be found at Rings and Necklaces. Let's start with the basic. So what is Digitary Power? Well digitary power is The ring's / Neck's power. It affects your Ring/Neck's stats. The higher the digitary power the higher it stats. It give it Standard Stats if its digitary is 100%. But you can push it to 200% by using Digitary Power Stone. You can find those Stone at Dats Center at KingChessmon NPC. Ok lets talk about its effect. For example if your ring's stats is 200 AT at 100% digitary power. It will be 300 AT at 150% and 400 AT at 200%. The minimum digitary power is 95% it can't go any lower.
Keep in mind that only accessories has digitary power.

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