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GDMO Digicore Full Explanation

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Wassup guys. Since there is a lot of newbies asking what is the function of digicores, i think i should make a guide for it. First of all you guys have to know "what is digicore?" Well basically its an nucleus of the digimon. thats why you get by scanning mercenary egg. "How to get it?" I think this guide can explain it. "What does it do?" Well it has so many function. First, you can use it to buy Digiclon for your digi. You can also buy Digicore Egg. "What is digicore egg?" You should read this guide. You can also buy Mysterious Fruit or Battle Tag. Remember you can only get Battle Tag from Digicore/CashShop/Event. "So, do it worth keeping them?" Of course its worth keeping them. They also sold 10M each on Lilithmon Server. Always remember, 1Slot of digicore has a limit of 500Digicore. Some cores are Character bound and some cores are Trade able.

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